An engineering-biased perspective of CybSafe

Written by @Josefin Fundin, @Ben Diggle, @Jonathan Webster

See also Product & Engineering roles at CybSafe


Creative & Design

The team of self styled "visual alchemists" maintain all things CybSafe brand and directly contribute our product. It's always fun to see their presentations and spy on their channel for the latest trends from the creative world 👀.

Content & Concepts

This team comprises of two incredible skillsets - expertise in cyber security threats and terrific writing skills to deliver essential and pragmatic advice that helps people. If they haven't already, this team will tell you about the importance of using Hemingway. Check it out!

Hemingway Editor

Great customer success

Customer Success and Support

This team stays extremely close to our customers are an important voice when it comes to recommending product features & improvements. For us engineers their cool headed and professional approach is a lifeline if the platform experiences any glitches/outages.

We help the team deliver automation with tools like HubSpot & Intercom, to create seamless experiences for our customers who typically have important & demanding security roles.

You'll get to see them in action as from time to time we'll join customer calls to talk about integrations or optimisations with our customers

Research & Analysis

This team comprises of psychologists and behavioural scientists. They help make sure that what we do changes people's behaviour. We work closely with Research, who help shape our roadmap and product development. The expert team bring scientific rigour and the latest research on cyber security and behavioural psychology.They also work on private & government grant based research. For their published work checkout the research section of for whitepapers, webinars and more.

Keep a lookout for their talks at our CybSessions and CyberSpeakeasys!

How we work

While we try to keep meetings to a minimum to help us focus on the tasks we are working on (including having a meeting free day at least once a week), we have a few ceremonies that take place.

Every Quarter, we have a kick off meeting. This is an opportunity for us to reflect on what we have achieved in the previous quarter and to show ourselves how awesome we are. It is also an opportunity for us to look through what work is coming up in the new quarter and get us pumped for what lies ahead.

Every two weeks, the whole team comes together to have a retro. We like to mix up the theme of the retro and take turns to host.

Once a week, we come together to refine and discuss pieces of work. It is an opportunity for us to talk about the technicalities of the work and helps us to understand if there is anything information missing, how it can be completed and if there are any issues we foresee. We do this so that when we come to start the work, most of the questions have been answered and we can focus on finishing the task without anything blocking us.

Each morning, we have a short video standup to talk about the tasks we are working on and also coffee ☕️.

How We Organise

Sprint planning and product development roadmap is done through Notion with a gantt chart overview so everyone knows what is in the works. We run a Kanban style development process using Jira. Ticket refinement is often done as a team, and we like to use flow chart style planning for our new features. Our codebase lives in a mono-repo on GitHub and we run a rotating bug schedule. We are a big fan of doing regular releases to our production site so we can show off all the great work we do. We have recruited Bob to help us do this. Our friendly neighbourhood slack bot which allows us to do releases from a slack channel anywhere we are.