At CybSafe we aim to continually improve in every way. This means we prioritise doing and being better at an individual level, within our teams, and overall as a company.

Our team is diverse. But it's not yet as diverse as we want it to be. We can do more to attract, develop and retain diverse talent.

It's important that we do. It's the right thing to do. And the benefits to us as a business are huge.

We'll make the world a better place for all.

We'll be a better and more successful company for it.

We'll play our part in repairing our planet.

We think there are five areas that require greater focus, and possibly significant improvement. These are areas that if left unaddressed could:

a) make us a less attractive place to work from the perspective of diverse talent looking in,


b) make us a less-appealing place to remain from the perspective of tribe members who are from underrepresented groups.

The five areas are:

Structure & transparency around career progression and opportunity

We're a young company and as such we don't yet have a mature framework to guide career progression (i.e. promotion, additional responsibility and increases in remuneration). This will come in time.

We do however, have a Future Forming guide ('P&P 413 Future Forming').

We're comfortable with this given our stage as a business. However, it's clear that any hint of a lack of transparency in the process or career progression framework means there could be space for people to be "left behind" or "left out". Any perception of either is unhelpful.