New additions to the family

In any tribe, family matters. Your plans to start a family are important to us. We want to do the best we can to support you in those early days as well as further down the line.

All CybSafers have a responsibility to keep their managers and/or the People team aware of big life changes. The more we know about your circumstances, the better we can support and advise you.

Leave & pay policies

We recognise that families come in all shapes and sizes. So, whilst we have the standard family policies, please feel free to speak with People Operations if you have slightly different circumstances or want to better understand how a policy might apply to your specific situation.

Our family policies apply to all employees regardless of length of service, however your entitlements may differ depending on how long you have been at CybSafe.

For more info, take a look at:

(visible only for the Tribe!)