We think anyone should be able request to work a little more flexibly. We know that sometimes it helps people massage their day around other important family and personal commitments. That’s why we’ve built in core hours of 10am to 4pm that allow for this flexibility.

We trust that our tribers are responsible adults and will always act in the best interests of the company. So, if you do need a little more flexibility, just discuss with your line manager (ensuring reasonable notice), so they can let you know whether what you’re asking for is possible. They can then plan accordingly for the team.


As of 6th April 2024:


Government press release https://www.gov.uk/government/news/millions-to-benefit-from-new-flexible-working-measures

ACAS https://www.acas.org.uk/making-a-flexible-working-request

If you have any questions on this at all just speak to People Operations.