We want to remove the stigma around mental health issues. We openly encourage discussion on the topic if you feel comfortable doing so.

Some people don't want to talk about their state of mind, and that’s fine too. Both groups of people are able to book mental health days off work.

These days don’t come out of your holiday allowance and they are different to sick days, which you would book if you were physically unwell or injured [flu, broken leg etc].

There are two types:

Private - where no-one apart from BambooHR admins and your Line Manager see that you have booked a mental health day on the BambooHR calendar. We suggest you choose this one where you want to be discreet about your feelings and just take advantage of the benefit without any extra conversations.

Public - where the whole company can see you have booked a mental health day on the BambooHR calendar. We suggest using this option only when you’re comfortable for others to just look out for you that little bit more. You may find your fellow tribe members checking in on you. If that’s the kind of support you would appreciate during your challenges, choose Public.

More information on our sick days and how they are managed is available in our ‣ (visible only for the Tribe!)