<aside> 👉 Your growth and development is super important to us at CybSafe! We encourage you to take ownership and decide what tool you need for you to flourish 🌻


Continuous learning and development is key to success and progression within any career. We’re a company of people who take personal responsibility for our own development.

At CybSafe, we want to support you as much as possible with that. The professional development budget is £500/$600 and is refreshed on the 1st of January every year.

If you’re on a fixed-term contract, you’ll have a professional development budget of £250.

Learning, development and growth happen every day. While the internet is a window to unprecedented libraries of experience and knowledge, these things aren’t always free. To help you access learning or development in your role, you have an annual allocation of funds.

This is a budget for work-related training, certification, and education that you need to succeed in your career or role. It’s specifically for the improvement of skills that make you more effective at your job.

Professional development must be discussed with, and approved by your manager (and also approved by the exec!) so that you’re aligned on what path you’re taking.

You can decide with your manager how much time you need for Professional Development.

More information on the professional development budget can be found here: ‣ (visible only for the Tribe!)

Learning communities 🎓

We also have several Slack channels and recurring groups aiming to contribute to your professional development;

Other helpful links with reading and viewing to broaden your understanding of our space;