But we also recognise that sometimes, a disproportionate amount of our time can be taken up by meetings. That’s why we have a company-wide, meeting-free day each week.

By @Oz Alashe

As a tribe we’re extremely busy. Everyone is.

And we don’t mind too much because we know building something special takes a lot of effort. 🚀

This is currently Wednesdays.

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Workshop.com puts it brilliantly👇🏽:

“The goal of meeting-free days is to give everybody a big block of time to do focused, heads-down work, without having to squeeze it into the small bits of time between meetings. The benefits vary, but no-meeting days can help people:

Of course, there will be the odd occasion where you decide that an internal meeting is critical to deal with an urgent issue. Or that an external meeting must take place on a Wednesday. You crack on. We trust your judgement and will support you.